I find that it is most helpful to have our appointments in your home. If this is not your preference, I can accomodate with a visit in my office or with a telehealth appointment for certain services. If you live outside of a 15 mile radius of my office, there may be a travel fee which will be assessed based on your location. I most often serve Portland, Gresham, Sandy, Damascus, Fairview, Troutdale, Happy Valley, Oregon City, Gladstone, Milwaukie, Clackamas Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington.
Prenatal Lactation Appointment / Education
In this appointment we meet during pregnancy to discuss any questions or concerns you have about breastfeeding. We will review my breastfeeding course. And, If you have had breastfeeding challenges in the past, we can help you create a plan for breastfeeding management prior to the birth of your new baby. This is also a great time to be sized for your pump and go over pump set up and use. Prenatal consultations are generally 1 hour to 90 minutes in length.
Brief online prenatal appointment (approximately 40 minutes) with an overview and basic question answering
Initial In-Home Consultation
Our initial consultation is usually about 90 minutes in length, it includes a thorough health history of both you and your baby, observation and assessment of how your baby feeds, a pre and post feed weight to assess baby's intake while feeding, and a gentle examination of you and your baby as needed. For this appointment, it is helpful if your baby is hungry and ready to feed at the time of my arrival. I try to accomodate changes to our start time based on baby's feeding needs.
We will discuss your story and experience since baby was born. I will take time to answer your questions and review your concerns and insights. At the end of our consultation, together we will create a written care plan that is feasible and workable for you and your family. I will be sure to explain the pros and cons of the educated choices you make. Within 24 hours, you will receive a customized plan, handouts and any necessary referrals.
Follow Up Appointments, In your home
While some breastfeeding challenges may be addressed in only one initial visit, many challenges require additional appointments and care plan adjustments. Typically, we will have another feeding assessment at this appointment. Follow up consultations are generally 1 hour in length. In this appointment we will assess your progress and make adjustments to your care plan as needed. At the end of this appointment, I send written plan updates.
Telehealth Appointments for an initial visit (approximately 60 minutes), $80 for a follow-up (approximately 30 minutes)
Telehealth appointments include a thorough health history of both you and your baby observation and assessment of how your baby feeds at the breast, counseling and instruction on various aspects of your feeding relationship and plan. These appointments are best used when parents need support but it is not necessary to weigh or examine Baby in person. Prenatal, Return to work, Bottle refusal in older babies and Weaning Consultations are potentially good options for this type of appointment.
Most plans with Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Health, Aetna and MODA will cover the visits listed above. I offer direct billing to these insurance providers. Please contact me with questions regarding out of pocket rates.